gambar nak gempak je dan merepek~
Ciao tutti (Hi people), I miss talking in Italian though it's a lil goddamnwhore. Hahaha
last two months (October) , I had an accident with my friend. It was very tragic but thanks to Allah we survived, it was a "car-crashed" *Ceh nampak betul nak menipu*. Okay it was only a bike, I sat at the back while my friend rode the bike.
pastu, ada lori dekat depan.. So, if my friend straight ahead memang sah2 lah kan kitorang akan 'kebabooomm' dengan lori tuh, So my friend has to do ala2 break emergency.. nak dijadikan cerita ada pasir pulakk kat tepi tuh.. Pastu kitorang pun jatuh and guess what? I felt like a superwoman by that time I was thrown out far away from my friend and aku pon terbuat ala2 Hindustan pulakk kat jalan raya tu.. berguling-gulingg agak jauh lah kan dekat jalan raya tuhh~ and again thanks to Allah, lori sempat break. if not... you wouldn't see me again~ :/
and helmet calar terukgilababisss. Seluar jeans kesayangan ku koyak, baju pun koyak sikit :/ If im not mistaken, it was happened 2-3weeks before SPM.. after it happened I cried because I can't bear to see my friend she's quiet parah and thanks to people that have helped us alot.